Westover Dr is a residential street in the High Point, North Carolina suburb of High Point. The vacancy rate for single-family homes and apartments in Westover Dr. is 10.8 percent. This rate is lower than the national average of 40.1 percent, putting it around in the center of the range for vacancy rates in the United States. In the Westover Dr neighborhood, there are people of Arab and Yugoslav descent who live there. Residents of this neighborhood are of Arab descent in 4.3 percent of cases, and they are of Yugoslav descent in 0.7 percent of cases.

Westover Dr. is also noteworthy for its linguistic distinction. Significantly, 3.9 percent of its citizens aged five and up predominantly speak French at home, a figure that is rising. However, while this may appear to be a small percentage, it is more than the 97.0 percent of neighborhoods in the United States.

The neighbors in the Westover Dr area in High Point, NC area have lower-middle incomes, making it a community with a lower average income than the rest of the city. Childhood poverty is more prevalent in this community than in 66.8% of other neighborhoods in the United States, with 21.9 percent of the children living below the federal poverty line in this neighborhood.

Among the working population in the Westover Dr neighborhood, executive, managerial, and professional jobs account for 45.1 percent of total employment. Sales and service positions, ranging from major sales accounts to working in fast food restaurants, are the second most prominent occupational group in this neighborhood, with 24.3 percent of the population employed in sales and service jobs. Workers in manufacturing and laborer jobs account for 19.4% of total employment in this area; 11.3 percent are employed in administrative, assistant, and technical support occupations.

People in this neighborhood speak a variety of languages, which makes for a diverse community. These are the languages that people prefer to speak when they are at home with their family, according to the data collected. The English language is the most commonly spoken language in the Westover Dr neighborhood, with 83.7 percent of households speaking it. Spanish and French are two more prominent languages spoken in this region.

Residents of the Westover Dr area in High Point, North Carolina, identify as English as their ethnicity or ancestry the majority of the time. There are also a significant number of persons with German heritage (8.8 percent), as well as residents who claim Irish ancestry (6.8 percent ). Others include people with Arab heritage (4.3% of the total population) and those who are descended from Scotland (3.3% of the population). In addition, 14.4 percent of the people who live in this neighborhood were born in a different nation than their parents.

Cedar Crest Ln, High Point, NC
High Point Concrete Services